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Green Care

"Ogen- Management Solutions" view residential buildings in a central city such as Tel-Aviv as a central focus, a prime source to promote sustainability while emphasizing the cultural aspects of living in a metropolis.

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In the 21st century a quality, attractive living space is an array of different elements that donot end in the apartment, the lobby or any other location and as such, sustainability and energy conservation, using natural features, environmentally friendly materials are elements of crucial importance.

"Ogen- Management Solutions" has set its goal to positively increase the sustainability of buildings under its care, for the knowledge that its profit will branch out to the entire society.


The company activities include certain actions doneregularly and frequently such as: using eco-friendly cleaning materials, using smart electrical program timers to regulate activity hours, recycling etc. Moreover, the company has appointed an environmentaltrustee that are regularly examining new ways to increase efficiency while reducing the company's’ carbon footprint.

Green management for the building ensuresthe preservation of its value and promote the tenant's quality of life- there are several optional services the company specialize in and are available by homeowner's association's request.

• Green Rooftops

A green rooftop can be used for growing herbs, vegetables, flowers and the sky is  the limit. The bottom line  is the same - utilizing unused building space for the sake of a eco-friendly, pleasant, environment while strengthening the tenant's sense of belonging.

Green Construction

The company encourage and assists entrepreneurs in planning a healthy, clean and economical living environment, while emphasizing long-term planning and elements such as: building materials, using natural elements (natural light, wind etc.) and more.

Solar power

the worldpromotes the useof alternative and renewable energy sources to reduce the useof non-renewable resources- solar panels is an excellent solution to the problem which utilizes unoccupied communal space (therefore to reduces homeowners association costs).

Water purification systems

As part of the initiative to maximize the use of greywater (used water, such as bath water) while reducing water use and cost. The company work with several leading companies in the water purification industry. System of this kind enable recycling of water for irrigation or reuse.

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